A Tale of Two Hoodies Cap


Michael D’Antuono
Tale of Two Hoodies, 2012
Oil on Canvas
Private Collection

Using art as a weapon, Michael D’Antuono creates controversial paintings laden with powerful social and political criticisms. Filled with vibrant patriotic colors freighted with historic, social, and political significance, A Tale of Two Hoodies represents a recurring theme in D’Antuono’s work: racial issues in America. Inspired by the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African American boy who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman under the Florida Stand Your Ground law in 2012, the painting is designed to spark thought  about the bigger picture of race issues in the US. The impactful message is conveyed by the poignant juxtaposition of the towering white figure with aggressive characteristics such as his narrowed eyes, Ku Klux Klan hood, and gun; contrasted by a smaller African American child gently extending his hand to offer candy. Beyond the two figures stands a dirty, ripped American flag revealing the confederate flag.  The twin flags of the United States alludes to the long history of race inequality in America. With a compelling title, D’Antuono creates his art with the intent of challenging society to think deeper about serious issues and inspire them to improve social conditions.

Maria Ochoa

An extended look at Michael D’Antuono’s A Tale of Two Hoodies